Greta Thunberg And David Orr:
An Intergenerational Fight Against The Ecological Crisis
During my second undergraduate year at Utrecht University, I followed the course Philosophy of Science and Ethics, a transformative experience that led me to challenge my beliefs and confront ethical dilemmas in society that are not always immediately apparent. Within the course, a collective essay co-authored alongside my peers Esmee de Haan, Roos-Marijn Lethen, and Donna Hiraina Calis gained recognition in the new book Ethical Essays, curated by Sarah Nolan and Dr. Floris van den Berg.
In our essay, titled 'Greta Thunberg and David Orr: An intergenerational fight against the ecological crisis’, we examined the perspectives of these two prominent environmental thinkers, exploring their attitudes towards nature and the rhetorical strategies used by them to articulate their normative ethical theories. The essay can be found on page 105 of the book.
About The Book
Ethical Essays is a collection of students' work, mainly centred around case studies in applied ethics and comparative analyses of prominent philosophers. The book also contains students' philosophical drawings and poems, as well as guidelines for writing a popular essay and a mediagraphy on applied ethics. Next to being study material for the course Philosophy of Science and Ethics at Utrecht University, Ethical Essays is a wellspring for percipient, dynamic and eye-opening content showcasing critical ethical dilemmas underlying society.